Saturday 13 April 2019

Easter Bunny Wall Hanging

I appliqued the bunny to the background by machine with a buttonhole stitch and brown thread.  Then I went looking for some suitable fabric to put on the back so I could quilt it.  My drawer of green, blue, indigo & violet fabric was so messy, I had to dump it out to see what was in it.  The up side of this was that I folded everything neatly as I was putting it back in the drawer and I did find a piece of fabric exactly the correct width for the backing and in a nice Easter colour.  First, here's the nice neat drawer.

Here's the bunny wall hanging after quilting.  I used yellow thread to coordinate with the backing fabric and quilted it with my walking foot.  I quilted around the bunny, between each egg block and followed the curving line of the vine to quilt a  wavy line in the background fabric.  The pink button for the eye is from my mother's button jar.  The ribbon came off a roll of fabric.

I had one strip of striped binding left over from another project, so only had to cut one additional strip to complete the binding.  I love a stripey binding, especially a rainbow stripey binding!

After I had the binding all attached, I remembered I should have put on some hanging corners......  So out came the seam ripper and two triangular hanging corners were added.  You can see the hanging corners as well as the quilting I did in this picture.  The purple fabric doesn't match the binding, but since it is the back it won't be seen much.

It doesn't have to be a wall hanging, it can also be used as a table topper.  I had to open the Easter candy for this picture, but only four candies were harmed, the rest were put back in the bag til next weekend.  This picture was taken in natural light so the colours look slightly different from previous pictures.

I'm very happy with how this turned out.  I didn't follow a pattern, just put it together from ideas I got from Easter crafts seen on the Internet and bits and pieces of fabric I had on hand.  The question still remains as to what I will do with the mirror image chocolate bunny I cut out at the same time, but maybe I can wait until next Easter to answer that.


  1. This turned out wonderfully! I'm pretty amazed that the eggs are quite egg shaped in the final product by cutting corners off rectangular pieces. I agree the fabric you used for the bunny is perfect for chocolate! The button and bow are such nice details ❤️
    If I had gotten into the Easter candy, I don't think I could've shown such restraint! 😆🍫🍬

    1. I really like the chocolate fabric, but think the eggs could have been a bit more oval. The Easter eggs have been dipped into a few times since.....
