Monday 20 April 2020

Bonnie Hunter's Sew-In-Place Quiltville Mystery Unity Quilt Along, Round Two

The second round of the Medallion quilt involves making 36 stars, which doesn't sound too bad but each star has four sides and each side is made up of a flying geese block which means 144 flying geese made up of 432 tiny triangles.  They are so cute though so you don't really mind.  Here's my first one.  It makes me happy that I am making stars and the olive fabric has stars in the print.

After making a few more stars I had enough for the first side.  Since the star points alternate colours, the impression is as if they are twinkling.

And than the second side.

And the third side.

And finally the fourth side.

And once again surrounded by sashing and cornerstones and ready for the next round.

I am hoping the next round is a little less intense!  And it is... here's the first of 32 stars required for the next round.

256 half-square-triangles, here I come!

#quiltville   #quiltvillemystery   #sewinplace   #unityquiltalong   #unityquilt   @quiltville_bonnie

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