Monday 13 April 2020

Bonnie Hunter's Sew-In-Place Quiltville Mystery Unity Quilt Along, the First Round

The first round actually went on in three different steps.  Here's the "a" part made out of flying geese and a few half square triangles.

Here's the "b" part made out of square-in-a-square blocks.

Here's the "c" part made of more flying geese and a few half square triangles.

And lastly here it is with the sashing on and I'm ready for the next round which comes out today.....

My quilt top measured 1/4" too big at this point, so I trimmed 1/8" off all four edges of the sashing so I can start the next round accurately.  My husband says he likes the colours of this quilt better than any quilt I have made so far!  Pretty good for scrounging up fabric based on having the right quantity from my stash!

#quiltville   #quiltvillemystery   #sewinplace   #unityquiltalong   #unityquilt   @quiltville_bonnie

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