Wednesday 3 October 2018

Basket Quilt flimsy completed

I last posted about this quilt in May.  I had all the blocks made then and had since sewn all the rows together and had half of the quilt in one piece and the other half in four pieces.  I got it all together into one piece on Monday.

The instructions were to now add a thin border.  It's hard to see in the above picture, but the bottom and sides have about half an inch of background fabric beyond the corners of the baskets while the top has about 2.5 inches of background fabric above the basket handles.  I like symmetry, so I decided to add more background fabric to the three skimpy sides so they were all the same as the top and then put on my thin border.  I used the three black prints to make my 1 inch finished border and then added the same amount of background fabric all around again.  This is what the quilt looked like yesterday.

The next step was to add a 6.5 inch border of another fabric.  I did some calculations and figured I had enough fabric left that I could put on a 5.5 inch border made with squares from the rest of the fabrics the baskets were made with.  On the long sides, I had to have one block that was one inch larger and on the short sides I had to have one block that was half an inch smaller.  I probably could have sewn the seams of the blocks on the long sides a little narrower and the seams of the blocks on the short sides a little wider and the result would have been unnoticeable, but I think it turned out fine.  Once the quilt is finished, I won't be pointing it out.

I could only sew together enough black fabric for three of the corners so I looked through my scraps and found some other fabric for the fourth corner.  The black is a little darker but if you squint I think they coordinate well enough.  I won't be pointing this out on the finished quilt either.

The quilt is currently 81" x 90" so a nice size.  Now I just need backing and binding fabric....


  1. I really love the colour in this quilt! Especially with the blocks added around the border.
