I was finally able to find La Passacaglia templates from a Canadian supplier so I didn't have to pay the exchange rate and import fees. I got them from Cathy Shepard at Eagle's Wings Quilts:
I bought the templates that come apart so you can cut out fabric which includes the quarter inch seam allowance as well as cut out freezer paper templates without the seam allowance. I also bought some applique needles from Eagle's Wings. Since it's back to school supply season, I was able to get a ton of glue sticks at a really good price.
Here are some fabrics I want to use. I will have to get some more purples, turquoises and greens for sure.
I haven't bought the book so will just be doing my own thing as I feel you can see from the pictures what shapes to put together. I'm going to start by making 36 "star rings" (my wording) and then go from there. Here's my first "star ring" with the shapes cut out to audition the next ring as well:
I'm not happy with the points of my first star so may change up how I attach the background dark blue diamonds. Instead of making templates for them and putting them together with the EPP method, I think I will just lay the dark blue diamond behind the other shapes and basically applique the top shapes to the background which I am thinking will also be way less time consuming. This method should also work for all the teeney tiney dark triangles as well since there are 50 of them for every star ring!!!! I am thinking it will also give it some depth. We shall see.... My goal is to make at least one "star ring" shape a week. Wish me luck!
Breathtakingly beautiful. You are embarking on a journey where I am sure there will be frustrations and disappointments but I hope you will enjoy the process of creating a quilt of extraordinary beauty.